Welcome to Scores Reformed

Welcome to Scores Reformed

Welcome to Scores Reformed, your new first stop site for up to date, newly engraved orchestral scores and parts. Please browse our catalogue which has been extensively developed over the past 4 years. We are both experts in the use of this technology, and have many years’ experience working in the music industry as copyists. After uncountable painstaking, though enjoyable, hours we have the ultimate reward of having delivered the goods to an illustrious clientele some of whose praises we gratefully acknowledge in our clients section.

Both of us have been professional musicians for more years than we like to remember, and were constantly irritated by the sometimes awful copy we were asked to play from. You know the sort of thing – pages stuck together with sticky tape, torn pages, cigarette burns and untold coffee stains, and paper worn so thin by having to erase corrections before the music was sent back to the publishers that it’s impossible to read. Not to mention the ‘water’ marks left by over enthusiastic horn players when they ’empty out’.

Rectifying this problem was always going to mean waiting on technology to catch up, and this happened with the advent of the (in our case) Sibelius music typesetting programme. This gave us the tools to translate manuscripts into updated ‘clean’ versions and so reduced much hair-pulling, and the resultant hair loss!

We only ever print on demand, and because of this, and the ever growing size of our catalogue, you might find that there is a delay in getting any orders to you. We are working hard to rectify this. Please be assured that you will receive your orders on time. Also, please allow a sufficient amount of time between your order and the concert date.
We look forward to your comments and news so please send us your pearls of wisdom for our news section. Please explore our site using the menu items above.

“We hope you enjoy our new website!”